Friday, 7 June 2013

Dynamics CRM 2011 printing IFRAME

In the past I wrote an article on how to make iframes printable using the CRM print function, I was asked how to apply the same approach to CRM 2011, I had a look and CRM 2011 wraps the text inside another set of HTML elements, so we just need to make sure we return only text document.getElementById.textContent

This change is not supported as it changes directly an ASPX file, the file you have to change is custformprint.aspx located:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics CRM\CRMWeb\_forms\print

For example if you have a SRS report loading in an IFRAME you just need  to set SRC="" url of the FRAME_ID:

document.getElementById('IFRAME_GoogleMap').src= "http://srsserver/reportserver?etc.....";
document.getElementById('IFRAME_GoogleMap').style.height = "400px";
document.getElementById('IFRAME_GoogleMap').style.width = "900px";

An example for Google Maps would be:

//does an initial check if the ID for the google map is set. (assuming you've used GoogleMap for the iframe)
if (document.getElementById('IFRAME_GoogleMap')) {
var url = "";
if (document.getElementById('address1_country_d') != null)
  url += (url == "" ? "" : ", ") + document.getElementById('address1_city_d').textContent;
if (document.getElementById('address1_city_d') != null)
  url += (url == "" ? "" : ", ") + document.getElementById('address1_city_d').textContent;
if (document.getElementById('address1_postalcode_d') != null)
  url += (url == "" ? "" : ", ") + document.getElementById('address1_postalcode_d').textContent;
if (document.getElementById('address1_line1_d') != null)
  url += (url == "" ? "" : ", ") + document.getElementById('address1_line1_d').textContent;
if (document.getElementById('address1_line2_d') != null)
  url += (url == "" ? "" : ", ") + document.getElementById('address1_line2_d').textContent;
if (document.getElementById('address1_line3_d') != null)
  url += (url == "" ? "" : ", ") + document.getElementById('address1_line3_d').textContent;

if (url != "")
  document.getElementById('IFRAME_GoogleMap').src= "" + url;
  document.getElementById('IFRAME_GoogleMap').style.height = "400px";
  document.getElementById('IFRAME_GoogleMap').style.width = "900px";
} else {
// If no data to pass to url, defaults to text only "No Results"
document.getElementById('IFRAME_GoogleMap_d').innerHTML= "No results";

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