Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Dynamics CRM ADFS 3.0 changing HTTPS port

If you run into a situation where you require to change ADFS default HTTPS port from 443 to something else the steps to do this are highlighted below:

1. URL's ACL
The first steps are to reserve the ADFS urls using the new port, run the below commands:

netsh http add urlacl url=https://+:4433/FederationMetadata/2007-06/ user=domain\account listen=yes delegate=yes

netsh http add urlacl url=https://+:4433/adfs/ user=domain\account listen=yes delegate=yes

Then confirmed the above URL's have been added by running the command:
netsh http show urlacl 

to confirm the url's you added are listed.

2. Powershell Set new HTTPS port
The second step you set the ADFS https port via powershell:

Set-ADFSProperties -HttpsPort 4433

Restart the ADFS service

3. Binding IIS to the new port
The last step is to change the default website bindings for the HTTPs port.

Open IIS > Highlight Default Website and click on the right-hand-side Bindings

4. Testing
To test the new port open Internet Explorer and type: 

and you should get a page with XML:

Hope this was helpful, please leave your feedback or let me know if you have any questions.


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